Like most of the rest of the world, Joan and I are confined to our homes due to the corona virus, so this morning we decided to Face Time a coffee date with each other. Joan had a cup of Trader Joe's Dark French Roast coffee with two tablespoons of Coffee Mate French Vanilla. Not as fancy as her usual coffee house order, but enjoyable none the less. Sheila had a cup of Peet's Dark French Roast with nothing added. We've all had to make a lot of adjustments in our lives, some more than others. We both feel lucky that we are retired and our children are safe and healthy and financially secure. It's important to stay in touch with friends and family and support each other as much as we can and to focus on the positive. It was great to "see" Joan and chat with her and catch up on what's been happening in our lives. Face Time or Zoom or whatever other method you can use that keeps you in touch with others is important. My husband and I have been doing "family dinners" through Zoom with our daughters and their families and that has been fun. Joan keeps in touch with her daughter and son-in-law and granddaughter with Face Time. I must say that having coffee with Joan this morning really lifted my spirits and we're planning on doing this on a regular basis every week until we can actually get out and go to a coffee place once again.
This is Joan's coffee "station." |
This is Sheila's coffee "station." |
Joan has been using some of her time while sheltered in place painting. This is her dog Baby. |

There are plenty of mugs to choose from at Sheila's house! Joan's mug is very apropos, don't you think?
Sheila's cat Jon Snow is not at all concerned about this virus. His life continues to include lots of nap time.
Think about it: What good shall I do this day?